It’s time to take back control.


Struggling with the battle of who you should be and who you actually are?

Are you

  • spending a lot of energy trying to please others and make sure their needs are met

  • struggling to set boundaries and say no

  • feeling overwhelmed with supporting everyone else

  • focusing on your flaws and mistakes instead of your strengths and successes


Life can feel different than the way it does today.

Therapy can help you break the hold anxiety has on you.

Anxiety creates an internal dialogue that’s full of critiques and shame, which fuels low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness.

You end up bullying yourself into silence and submission. You’ve spent years telling yourself you’re not enough and now you fully believe it. You toggle between wanting to own your worth and feeling you have no worth at all.

I can help you conquer the negative beliefs you have about yourself, get in touch with who you are, and show yourself the kindness and compassion you give others.

What we’ll work on:

  • Getting to the root cause of your anxiety and low self-esteem

  • Learning coping skills to manage your anxiety

  • Increasing compassion towards yourself

  • Changing your internal dialogue to stop negative self-talk and criticism

  • Setting Boundaries without feeling selfish


What others have wondered about therapy for anxiety and self-esteem

  • I’d love to tell you there’s an easy 30 day program, but that’d be a lie. Truthfully, it’s different for each person and can be affected by prior work done, level of anxiety experienced, and commitment to the therapeutic process. I believe in giving you practical skills that you can use between sessions. My goal is that each skill gives you some relief (although not all will work for you) and eventually we’ll create an arsenal that allows you to successfully manage your anxiety on daily basis.

    Now that said, anxiety isn’t all bad and so the goal will not to be ‘never experience it again’ but instead to understand it and manage it.

  • If you often find yourself needing others to validate your feelings, experiences, or opinions, you struggle with thoughts of worthlessness, or if you play the comparison game to see how you measure up- you can benefit from self-esteem therapy.

  • There are several ways to take the next step:

    1. You can self schedule your free consultation by clicking HERE

    2. You can email me at

    3. You can call me at 469-573-4912

  • You can schedule a free consultation to ask questions and learn more about my services.

    Your first session is considered an intake and we will review practice policies and establish your goals. The intake session is billed at $200.

    Your weekly or biweekly sessions after your intake are billed at $175 per session. on

More questions? Check out my FAQs page.

You don’t have to hide who you are.